Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Aerobic Exercise

Imagine you're exercising. You sweat, you breathe hard, your heart beats, can travel through your blood vessels to carry oxygen to the muscles, so that you, and you get the activity for more than a few minutes. Aerobic exercise (also known as "heart" in the jargon gym called), and any activity that you care more than a few minutes, as your heart, lungs and muscles to work overtime. In this article I will explain the mechanisms of aerobic exercise: oxygen transport and consumption, the role of the heart and muscles, the proven benefits of aerobic exercise, how much you need to reap the benefits, and much more.

The beginning

It all starts with breathing. The average adult healthy breathing in and out of about 7 to 8 per liter of air per minute. Once you fill your lungs, oxygen from the air (air contains about 20% oxygen) is caused by small branches of tubes (called bronchioles) is filtered before it reaches the causes cells. The alveoli are microscopic bubbles, which oxygen () is circulated in the blood. From there, it's all right in the heart.

Getting to the heart, she began

The heart has four chambers that pump blood and blood products (two atria and two ventricles) and coronary arteries to fill some very active. Because of all this action has the heart of a new supply of oxygen, and you just learned, it offers the lungs. When the heart is used, what it takes, it pumps blood that carries oxygen and other nutrients by the left ventricle and large through the circulatory system to all organs, muscles and tissues that need it.

Many pumps are

Your heart beats about 60-80 times per minute at rest, 100 000 times a day, more than 30 million times a year and about 2.5 billion times in a life of 70 years! Every beat of your heart sends blood volume (called the stroke volume - the latest), in collaboration with oxygen and many other life-sustaining nutrients, flows through the body. The average healthy heart pumps about 5 liters of blood per minute adult.

Oxygen consumption and muscle

All the oxygen is pumped through the blood is important. You can use the term "oxygen-consumption." In science, it is labeled or VO2 consumed volume of oxygen. This is the amount of oxygen in the muscles to consume or extracting blood, and it is in ml / kg / min (milliliters per kilogram of body weight) indicated. The muscles are like engines that run on gasoline (like a car that runs on fuel), but our muscles use fat and carbohydrates instead of gasoline. Oxygen is an important player, because if the muscles, they run to burn the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates to fuel our engines. The more efficiently our muscles consume oxygen, more fuel you can burn in the shape, we are more and more we can exercise.

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