Saturday, October 1, 2011

What Is Raja Yoga?

Raja Yoga is considered the royal road of meditation, which leads a student to be with the Divine in a state of unity. A student who mainly practice this form of yoga that in order to attain enlightenment through the art of meditation. There are many different paths of yoga from which to choose. A student whose nature is contemplative particularly well, practicing Raja Yoga.

A student involved in the practice of yoga meditation to calm the mind and delve into the divine energy in. A student of yoga is often the practice of japa or repetition of a sacred mantra that is imbued with spiritual power . A mantra that the student was given by a living master of power much more than a mantra that a student has its own name.

The goal of Raja Yoga is always the thought waves of the mind or Vrittis. If our minds are still, we are able to live a blissful state of awareness and deep rest. We will also be able to experience the ever-present and unchanging nature of the soul.

One of the skills that are important for the development of the practice of Raja Yoga Dharana. If a student is able to focus a point on a single object or purpose is, according to him is much less enthusiastic and more evenly. This is a wonderful way to keep your meditation practice. Strong and regular practice of meditation allows you, in a conscious state of quiet confidence that eventually will show the essence of your soul to drop you off.

Raja Yoga is to lead to enlightenment faster than other yoga practices. Of course, this depends on the type of student who is a practice Raja. One reason is that Raja Yoga is so powerful that distillers identify the senses and the mind to stop so that we can with our limited physical bodies, and instead of identifying with our eternal souls.

As a student who is sincere to each path of yoga, including the path of Raja, it is important to understand that development is deep state of meditation, happiness and knowledge, the usual practice of taking the time to enter in.

It is also important to live an ethical life and the dharma and love based on truth. A life that is filled with knowledge, kindness and service, will help revitalize the soul and truly support your spiritual development.

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