Sunday, February 20, 2011

Keep Life from our Workouts (Frank Vandy) how to obtain, by way of derogation from point (a)

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Jobs, family, kids, swimming pool, laundry. The list goes on and on. There is no doubt-you are a very busy person! Usually, the last item is our "to do" list is our health, and it should really be the first item is "our list! Without good health, you will be unable to take care of the remaining items on your list. I am going to give you a list of 5 important details for you to follow, to ensure your success at beginning an exercise program.

1. the Commission shall Make the choice to exercise. Making a commitment to change your lifestyle is the very first place to begin. Choose to make your health, the number one priority in your life! When you do, you will be amazed at how much more energy you have to accomplish your other goals. It is time for you to change your internal mindset and tell yourself, "I CAN do it!" You not only can, but will do it once you are able to think this way.It is fun to develop new habits and learn about health topics.

2. Check with your doctor. It is essential that you have a physical with your doctor before beginning an exercise program. You want to make sure that you are in good enough physical condition before pursuing this, so that you do not have any health complications.Your doctor can also help you decide what activities are or are not be appropriate for you, based on your current health. You will want to know about any restrictions ahead of time so that you can begin your new exercise program without any ' magic or risk of injury.

3. Support. It is imperative that you surround yourself with people who will provide support. Do not be afraid to ask role models is how they got the questions started and what their exercise program entails. Most people are happy to help someone start out-it makes them feel good, too! You never know where they began, perhaps they were once in your shoes! Personal trainers are also a good source of information and can be found at health clubs.Some will even come to your home and do private consulting. Finding someone to exercise with will also provide you with support. It not only makes the activities that you choose the more fun and motivating, but it also holds you accountable to show up for your workout.

4. Set fitness goals. There is no right or wrong way to exercise. The important thing is to find activities that you like to do and to do them! Recognize opportunities that life provides: go for a walk, ride a bike, join a sports club or train for a marathon. Perhaps you would rather set a goal of losing 5 pounds, begin strength training, or to do cardiovascular activities 3 times per week for 30 minutes each time. Whatever works for you!Be flexible. If something does not work, or you do not enjoy it, don't give up-simply try a new activity! This is where your support group will really be there for you! Monitor your progress as you go along so that you can set new fitness goals.

5. Have fun! Right now you are probably thinking, "How am I going to have fun?" Any activity that is fun is one that you are going to do over and over, right?It is the same with exercising. Listen to your favorite music, or oldies that you loved as you go for your walk. Go for a run early in the morning and listen to the birds, or ride your bike in the evening and enjoy the view of the sunset.Choose a location to workout with beautiful things to look at.Have that someone special join you!

You can do this!You will be so proud of yourself for taking the initiative to make your health, your number one priority.After all, aren't you worth it?

View the original article here

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