Friday, December 3, 2010

Yoga and Pilates: what is the one you Select?

Although apparently can be several women, the exercises are chosen on the basis of these days, these two are clearly the most famous of them all. Mostly a matter of course from the reputation of the celebs that does them, Yoga and Pilates has become the one place, according to the most commonly used, in particular in the case of a tuple of the training sessions in the United States.

Although many people believe that they have more than the difference, likeness, in reality, these two exercises is so much difference it will make or break your own decision (if you've already made one). It is time for you to compare the two.

The definition of

Yoga-the word "Yoga" is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj "word", which means "merge" or "connect". Yoga is, therefore, that the inner balance of the process itself and the environment. To achieve this, the "yogi" (the person who runs the Yoga) to balance his physique, and they know, the soul of a sports, Airconditioning and lead to a stress free and peaceful Meditation, in the form of the body and mind.

Pilates-loi, after the founder, Joseph h. Pilates, "Pilates" is in use, with a focus on strengthening the core and body shaping, taking into account the body through the use of technology. Simply put, the person shall be carried out in accordance with the Pilates to monitor the physical aspect to the mental health of the transfers of use. As a result, the Working Party on legal data processing to obtain greater flexibility, agility, and move your body towards the gracefulness.


Yoga-Dating back more than 5 000 years ago, Yoga is a discipline that the ancient form of Indian origin. The earliest Yoga there is a still provides the unearthed which featured Yoga positions to be adopted by the Indus Valleys stone seals.

Pilates-years of the 20th century developed by Joseph Pilates self-defense instructor, strongly believed that the exercises may deal with diseases. This belief, he changed the hospital beds to make his patients perform resistance exercises, which led to his later, more efficient equipment-designs. He then moved to the United States and opened his own Fitness studio and taught several trainees in his system.

Approach to the

Yoga-Mind-body-spirit approach. Yoga Chair is based on these three primary structures in the mind, which will be regulated by it do exercises for the entire body movement, to prepare the mind Meditation correct air conditioning (calm state of mind) so in combination with individual stress absolved and wash anything, but a good energy.

Pilates-Mind-body approach. As stated above, the Pilates exercise, as a result of the breach of the principle of good faith to possess the power of this invitation to tender for the resale on the movement of the whole body and the financial sector through its main refinancing operations.


Yoga-makes use of Yoga-mat. This behavior is possible as a group, as a general rule, a Yoga class professional Yoga teacher. It is generally a cheap device usage.

Pilates-take advantage of the biomechanically designed devices. Mention some: reformers, chillums, Cadillacs, stability of the chairs and matwork pilates products, including the border of the carpets and pilates.

And that's it. It is important to take time to examine the information about Yoga and Pilates exercises before finally deciding which one to select. This allows you to specify which of the education and training is responsible for the life of, inter alia, the-the best way and when finally you do, make sure that you have all the fun of doing it in the world.

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