Saturday, October 8, 2011

Three Asanas of Yoga and Their Benefits

Let's be honest, if someone thinks of yoga, they illustrate the attitudes they see on the cover of a magazine. If a new student enters a yoga class for the first time, he or she may have to do a little worried about the ability, attitude, with the correct orientation. That is, we seek to find the benefits of yoga pose.

Each poses (asanas) of yoga has a special meaning and brings several benefits to the body. In some cases, the pose looks easy, but the benefits are considerable. Poses can be very powerful if done correctly. After a bit of yoga asana means an expert in a balance between movement and rest, and each pose is a state of mind. Consider three asanas and their value to the practitioner.

A personal favorite, Ananda Balasana and happy baby pose, is performed on the back, gripping the inside, outside, or the big toe with the corresponding hand. This attitude can significantly reduce pain and lower back pain. Hips, buttocks, inner thighs and back are stretched in this asana. Props such as a folded blanket can be used to support the neck when it's neck problems or knee. Ananda Balasana cons-indicated for pregnancy, so students must be informed.

Navasana or boat pose strengthens the abdominal flexor muscles, spine and hip. It also stimulates the kidneys, thyroid, colon and prostate. Practiced regularly, improves digestion and reduces stress. An important consideration for those that yoga is navasana is made differently than the pilates similar position with respect to the hip flexors. In Pilates, the focus is to release the hip flexors to tone the abdominal muscles while navasana attacks the muscles.

Savasana or corpse posture is one of the first to learn that the pose for beginners. It complements the more practical and although it seems easy and simple, these maintained many parts of the body. Full concentration is required to achieve a motionless body and mind can relax. This asana removes the circulatory and respiratory system and relaxes the muscles revised. It reduces stress and skills necessary to achieve this state, to disturb the doctor in his daily life to reduce anxiety or thoughts known.

Yoga is a valuable tool because it can be adapted to the doctor in his ability to play, interest and area of ​​interest are suitable. Encourage your students with asanas benefits they want in their house to practice and try new belong in the classroom.

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